
Monday, April 26, 2010

Share Blogger Buzz posts

When Google launched Buzz in February, many wondered how they could share their interesting posts Buzz flow. That's why we're excited to announce that Blogger has made it easier to share Buzz Google through the Share button in the Blogger navigation bar. Just click "Share", choose Google Buzz, and you can customize your message before sending it to Buzz.

Google Buzz is a new way to share updates, photos, videos and more, and start conversations about things that look interesting. Better yet, all the comments to his post Buzz are sent directly to your Gmail inbox so it is easy to keep the conversation. Just go to Google home page and an opportunity Buzz! We have to write interesting things, so you can share with Buzz is a great way to spread the word about your blog.

Building your audience is important, and the distribution of social networks is an excellent way to promote your site. We are committed to the experience of sharing best Blogger: more updates are on their way, so stay tuned.

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