Ultimately, the definition of what is "good content" is a subjective exercise (perhaps in a similar way to define what a "good book" or a "good movie") and so a post like this is likely to cause a little debate, as each person defines it differently depending on their personality, their needs, the subject they are talking about and maybe even their ethics. Not only bloggers themselves each have a different view of what is "good" content - but readers tend to also. I know that every time I ask your opinion on ProBlogger and more about what I write I get a real spectrum of responses.
Future posts in this series is an attempt to unpack some of the content items that can go towards what is good - or not. In most of the points on the road will be debate, but hopefully readers outside it can mix and match elements and identify what works for them.
Utility and uniqueness - As this post is part of a series of posts that back to the basics of blogging and what I'm going to start unpacking the topic of writing good content "to the point perhaps the most basic and obvious All:
With a blog is created every second and blogs on virtually all issues that you may think, the challenge for bloggers is to create a blog that stands out from the crowd. I see blogs every day that offer "useful" content that readers are not simply because people are finding that information elsewhere.
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